Wednesday, January 23, 2008

"Like we always do at this time..."

Thanks to everyone for your comments and responses. The feedback from my first ever blog entry was more than I ever expected, so thank you for reading and contributing! I hope I am able to provide enough quality reading to keep bringing you back :)

And on with the show...

LeBron's Ode to the Yankees:

Being the 'sneaker head' that I am, I had to share this link. Now as many of you may recall Mr. LeBron James aka King James, LBJ, Bron Bron, Athlete LeBron, Wise LeBron, Kid LeBron, All Business LeBron (ok ok, enough already right?), went to the Cleveland Indians/New York Yankees AL playoff series wearing a Yankees hat. This set off a whole debate amongst Cleveland's sports fan collective. Personally, I see nothing wrong with it - he's been a Yankees fan his whole life. It's not like he plays baseball for the Indians and demands to suit up wearing pinstripes or an 'NY' on his hat as he steps to the plate to hold on to his allegiance...

He has taken his Yankees love to the next level. Nike is releasing an exclusive 'LeBron V (5)' shoe inspired by his favourite 'America's past time' team. The best part is that these kicks are mainly navy blue which is a predominate color in the Cavs jerseys, especially their Alternate road attire. I'll definitely be keeping an eye out to see if he starts rocking these during games this season or post-season for that matter.

NHL All-Star Weekend:

With this year's NHL All-Star festivities just 3 days away in Atlanta, GA, I would be remiss not to discuss it! My girlfriend Kelly, who is also a huge sports nut, sent me an excellent article written by 'Hockey Night In Canada' commentator and columnist, Scott Morrison.

Morrison discusses the NHL All Star Saturday Night Super Skills Competition, specifically on all the things the NHL has done to try and make this the most entertaining NHL All Star skills competition yet! I applaud the League's choices and updates to the existing competitons to make it more fresh and exciting for the fans - because at the end of the day - it should be all about us right?!

Be sure to check it out this weekend if you'll be near a TV:

Sat. Jan 26
Dodge/NHL SuperSkills Competiton
NHL Young Stars Game
On TV: CBC (Canada) 6:30pm EST, Versus (USA) 7pm EST

Sun. Jan 27
56th NHL All Star Game
On TV: CBC (Canada) 6pm EST, Versus (USA) 6pm EST

Hope to see you all back here next week for my next update - post NHL All-Star festivities and 1st weekend of Super Bowl hype...How many times will we hear about Tom Brady's foot up until kick off on Super Bowl Sunday? I wonder if there's an 'over/under' or 'line' for that you can bet on in Vegas?


Unknown said...

Nice kicks, except for the strap! I guess I'm just an old fuddy duddy when it comes to my bball kicks, but i'd totally rock the LBJ-V if not for the strap....and the fact I rarely play ball anymore!

Bryan said...

I like the pinstripes, that's pretty classic and yet innovative on a basketball shoe.

Bryan said...

Oh, and the PTI guys ripped LeBron tonight for the shoes. They were like 'He's so important to that community and those people love him so much. He shouldn't be openly cheering against their ball team' or something similar.

Sean François said...

Good 'ol Wilbon & Kornheiser. They're entitled to their opinions too :)